Tuesday 1 August 2017

Join our Instagram crafting community in August + Posca Pen Giveaway

August is here - doesn’t the Summer seem to be flying by? A new month means a new hashtag for our creative Instagram community. We'd love to see your crafty makes throughout August - just add the tag #craftingismytherapy_august to include your images in our gallery.

This month we are collaborating with Posca Pens to giveaway a ‘uni-Posca Pastel Packs’, which includes a set of Signo Pastel Ink pens and a pack of Pastel Posca PC-5M pens. These pastel pens are perfect for summer crafting. Posca pens work brilliantly on all sorts of surfaces so you could use them for decorating stones and shells from the beach. Why not try drawing some summery designs on your windows (it washes off!). The Pastel Ink Pens would be perfect for writing those holiday postcards or filling out a holiday journal or scrapbook.

I wrote a blog post last Summer when Posca kindly sent me a set of their pens to review. I absolutely love these pens, click here if you’d like to take a look at my review from 2016.

I'd also like to introduce our new co-host for August - Teresa from @shirleyrainbow_tb. Teresa is a regular contributor to our Instagram community. Here Instagram feed is full of crochet and embroidery projects and I always love the colour palette she uses within her work. You can see more of Teresa’s creative exploits over on her blog. We also have to say a big ‘thank you’ to July’s’s co-host, Jen from Crafticland, we’ve loved having her on board!.

In July we welcomed lots of new faces and I’m constantly inspired by all the images added to our gallery. The grid below shows just a small selection of images from July’s hashtag. We’ve had another busy month again with over 300 images tagged with #craftingismytherapy_july. Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous pictures with us. Click here to see the gallery in full…so many amazing crafts to look at

Top row, left to right: @makingpolly, @a_saucy_stitch, @themessybrunette

Middle row, left to right: @jellybean_junction, @craftpod_, @sumoftheirstories

Bottom row, left to right: @zeensandroger, @shirleyrainbow_tb, @sunna_crochet

I know lots of you have beautiful Instagram accounts and I love the supportive nature of the creative community over there. Please feel free to tag as many crafty images with #craftingismytherapy_august throughout the month. At the end of the month, Jennifer and I will choose our favourite images and put together a round-up post over on Instagram. You can find my Instagram here

The focus of our hashtag is crafting for pleasure, basically taking some ‘me-time’ to unwind in our busy lives. It doesn’t have to be a finished project, we love seeing work in progress, planning posts or tutorials too.

– Please share the love and comment on other people’s images added to the gallery.
– If you share your images and use the hashtag #craftingismytherapy_august on any social media channels that would be great. This will help us to grow the community. We will retweet all your posts via Twitter if you mention us (@pouchvintage/@JenniferJain )
– And finally, if you would like to follow me on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram, you’re more than welcome!
Jennifer Jain’s links are here too: Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.

Giveaway terms and conditions
The prize is a set of Pastel Posca and Signo Pastel Ink pens.
To enter the giveaway you must tag at least one relevant photograph on Instagram with the hashtag #craftingismytherapy_august.
At the end of the month we will pick a winner at random from everyone that has used the hashtag.
The winner will be contacted by direct message on Instagram.
Giveaway is only open to residents of the United Kingdom
If the winner does not respond within 28 days then we reserve the right to reallocate the prize.
The prize will be provided and dispatched by uni-ball
The giveaway will remain open until 11.55pm (GMT) on Thursday 31st August 2017.


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